Brinkman Colombia (Brinkman) and cattle farming multipurpose cooperative(s) APROCOLEDA (Asociación De Productores y Comercializadores de Leche de Arauca. and FEGAR (La Federación de Comités de Ganaderos de Arauca) (the Cooperatives), representing 20+ Milk and Beef Associations in the Arauca province have signed a Framework Partnership Agreement.

Framework Partnership Agreement has been signed between Brinkman Colombia (Brinkman) and CODEPLAR Comité de Plataneros del Departamento de Arauca (Plantain Producers Cooperative) (the Coop).

Cooperation Agreement Brinkman Colombia, CoopCacao (Cooperativa Multiactiva de Cacaoteros del Departamento de Arauca), de Produccion y Comercializacion de Arauquita) have signed a framework partnership agreement. The Cooperatives are the primary operators for the cacao sector in Arauca, representing 12% of total cacao production in the region.

Brinkman Colombia partners with CATIE, to work with milk producer cooperatives in the Atlantic Region. CATIE, the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center, to strengthen climate-enhanced silvopasture farming practices with farmers for the Colombian Caribbean.