Framework Partnership Agreement has been signed between Brinkman Colombia (Brinkman) and CODEPLAR Comité de Plataneros del Departamento de Arauca (Plantain Producers Cooperative) (the Coop).

1000+ producers affiliated to the Cooperative, including 5 Local Associations, an average of 3.5 ha per producer. 3500ha of plantain under production in the Cooperative group.

Codeplar’s objective is to develop the trading capacity to bypass intermediaries currently purchasing directly from producers. Working capital is the main constraint to developing their trading capacity. The trading platform segment is ready to begin in early 2022.

A plantain processing facility will be completed in late 2022, and the Cooperative needs working capital to operate the plant and market the packaged product produced by the plant.

Replace the current plantain variety with disease-resistant meristem varieties in a more productive and sustainable production system.
