Ricardo Lujan

BARCA was able to attract esteemed Forester Ricardo Lujan from his teaching position at the Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica (ITCR) in 1996 to head up the forestry team. He was a professor in Forestry at ITCR and a Principal Research Forester at CATIE. He has a Bachelor of Science in Forestry from ITCR and completed a Master of Science in Forestry/Agroforestry from CATIE. Ricardo is a registered professional forester and surveyor in Costa Rica. 

Ricardo's specializes in providing full tropical service in reforestation from choosing planting sites depending on species types, establishment, management and extracting of commercial forest plantations. Work also includes forest restoration to change land use to diverse native forests (through reforestation and managing succession species).

Special activities involve the production of the superior genetic material of:  teak (T. grandis), melina (Gmelina arborea), pilón (Hyeronima alchorneoides), cristobal (Platymiscium curuense) as well as seedling production of a large variety of forest species upon request. Specialized work includes forest inventories for different objectives (timber, carbon stocks, etc.) and custom tropical silvicultural and ecosystem-based solutions.